Sunday, June 17, 2012


At Highborne Cay we were 130 miles from Cat Cay and the Gulfstream and 180 miles from the coast of Florida :( Thursday night when we returned to the boat after our farewell dinner at Xuma with C & K we looked at the wind. Saturday was NOT going to be nice. Friday we needed to reach the coast of Floriday if at all possible. Early Friday morning we said "goodbye" to Highborne Cay....

From 2012-06-19

and headed to Nassau, fueled up for the long run, and said "goodbye" to C & K. CTM had to drag me back on the boat as I SO wanted to jump on that plane with them....

From 2012-06-19

After hugs and tears we shoved off and radioed Nassau Harbor Control for permission to exit the Nassau Harbor. We have been in and out of Nassau Harbour many times now and for the first time EVER we were denied permission to exit. WHAT????? DON'T YOU KNOW WE HAVE 150 MILES TO GO TODAY BEFORE DARK????? Traffic jam in Nassau Harbor....

From 2012-06-19

We waited patiently while two, YES TWO, cruise ships entered the harbor and docked BEFORE we gained permission to exit. Needless to say this delay made it impossible to make it all the way across the Gulfstream before dark so we reluctantly stopped in Cat Cay for one more night before making our crossing. BIG MISTAKE FOR TWO REASONS.....

REASON #1.... Thunderstorms blew up and it rained and stormed and blew all night long....

From 2012-06-19

I am not sure it was the stress of thinking about what the next day would be like OR an allergic reaction to that mystery vegetable I ate at dinner but at midnight I woke up and was broken out all over in hives! First time in my life and it had to be in the middle of the night on a deserted island in the Bahamas!! Now, thanks to Dr. Dave, Loopers, Stinsons, Petersons, and a host of other guest cruisers we have a medical kit on board that I swear we could perform open heart surgery with but NOT ONE DROP OF BENADRYL!!!! When I began to get short of breath we actually got out the four year old EpiPen and read the directions! Thankfully I didn't have to use it. I remembered that last year Lori Hottendorf Pomeroy had given me a ziploc with a half dozen pills of some sort of antihistimine. I dug around and found the ziploc and popped a couple of those pink and white mystery pills. Around 4:00 a.m. I finally got some relief and a couple of hours of sleep before we headed across the Gulfstream.

And now...REASON #2....

See CTM's upcoming post. A hint....AFTER the crossing I broke out in hives AGAIN! I am happy to report I have been fine since I set foot back in the good ole USA and on solid ground! I don't think it was that mystery vegetable after all :) I am pleased to report we now have Benadryl in our on board medical kit!!!!

Catch you on the flip flop....


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