Friday, June 15, 2012


Next stop was Warderick Wells a/k/a Exuma Land and Sea Park. There are no facilities there other than the headquarters building so we "camped out" on a mooring ball for two days. With a limited supply of fresh water on board all bathing had to be in the ocean....

From 2012-06-13

From 2012-06-13

While CTM sauteed fresh Mahi and seared some Yellowfin Tuna for dinner....

From 2012-06-13

we enjoyed the beautiful sunset....

From 2012-06-13

A stop at ELSP would not be complete without a hike to the top of "Boo Boo Hill." Legend has it that a missionary ship went aground below on the reef and sank with everyone on board. Supposedly on moonlit nights when the wind is howling you can hear them singing. Being the big spook I am I say let's hike up there during daylight hours so we can enjoy the view :)

From 2012-06-13

From 2012-06-13

From 2012-06-13

Geez, Kate, I hope there is just air and no water coming out of that blow hole today or it would be a "Bahamian Bidet" :)

From 2012-06-13

We could barely see FF III from the top....

From 2012-06-13

Kate, maybe a better choice of footwear for this hike next time?????

From 2012-06-13

After our hike Caldwell and Kate decided to snorkel on the reef so they loaded in the dinghy and off they went....

From 2012-06-13

From 2012-06-13

From 2012-06-13

Too bad lobster are out of season AND you cannot take anything in the ELSP because they said this lobster would have fed all four of us....

From 2012-06-13

Watch out! You know what happened to the Crocodile Hunter....

From 2012-06-13

The last night at ELSP we fried Yellowtail Snapper on the back of the boat. It was DELISH!! This depleted our supply of fish so the pressure was now on to quit screwing around, get out of the ELSP where fishing is prohibited, and CATCH SOME FISH!!!!! Wednesday we departed for Highborne Cay where we would stay for the last two nights with C & K. Stay tuned for fishing report on the way to Highborne.

Catch you on the flip flop....



  1. Who knew there could be so many colors of blue?? (Sounds like a Dr. Seuss book) :) Awesome pictures - sooooo beautiful!!!

  2. Oh Cindy, these pictures don't come close to doing the colors justice. The Exumas have to be one of the most beautiful places on Earth!!!!

  3. Prettiest water I have ever seen:)
