Sunday, August 18, 2019


Our flight to London was to depart Shannon at 7:05 a.m. That being said, we got up at 4:00, loaded in a taxi at 5:00, and soon were on our way to the airport.  (Now scroll back a few posts when I posted, in real time, about the U.S. military plane on fire.). Once the plane was removed from the runway, we were soon (well, not really soon) on our way.  We arrived at London Stansted Airport, a London international airport about 42 miles northeast of Central London, around 1:30. London actually has five major international airports:  London City, London Gatwick, London Heathrow, London Luton, and London Stansted.  We hopped on a train and were soon on our way to Central London.

Here is a pic of Tom having fun on the train ride 🙊

So now we are in England and they, too, have better Wi-Fi on a TRAIN than we do in Pontiac 😳. We arrived at Liverpool Station a short time later...

We grabbed a cab to the hotel.  Would someone get Indiana Jones and his sidekick a Guinness please!!!!! 

Once we arrived at the hotel and got situated I decided to make a quick phone call home... You can see that CTM now has a faint smile on his face as we can now actually SEE a pub 😉

Catch you on the flip flop...


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