Monday, August 19, 2019


For obvious reasons no trip to London would be complete without a visit to Buckingham Palace.  All I can say is just “WOW!”  

Here are a couple of exterior photos before the tour...

The crowds outside were very large and there were police warning everyone to hold their belongings close as there were lots of pick pockets that hung out there 😣. CTM and Tom thought that they could stop that if they would catch one, cut off their hand, and hang it on the fence at Lizzie’s house kind of like the farmers in Ozark county do the coyotes 🥴 After all, didn’t they chop people’s heads off on a regular basis over here back when everyone lived in a castle?  (Lola, I am just kidding about this 😍)

I did my best to try to figure out how to weasel my way up on that balcony where the royal family stands and waves to their subjects so I could give my “queen wave.”  Guess this will have to do (balcony in the background)...

They did not allow interior photos.  Here it is in a nutshell....chandeliers, statues, artwork, chandeliers, tapestries, statues, chandeliers, gold stuff, and more artwork.  And...not just paint by number artwork.  We actually saw 3 Rembrandts!!!!  Even though I am not an art critic I can surely see what the stir about “a Rembrandt” is all about 🧐🖼

Here is the garden where Liz entertains around 30,000 guests per year at her “garden parties.”   I am now trying to figure out how to get an invitation to one of those shindigs as I bet I could talk Liz into letting me get up on that balcony so I could give my “queen wave!”  

CTM, Carol, and Tom trying to get away from me and act like they don’t know who I am while I am asking one of the attendants if they would let me up on that balcony 😉

They even have free WiFi in the garden!  After all Liz needs to be able to check her FB when she is entertaining :).  

After our tour of Buckingham Palace we met Ian, Tom and Carol’s son, for lunch at Borough Market.  Man, if I lived in London I would DEFINITELY shop here instead of Wal Mart...

CTM and Tom have the very same look on their face that they do when they accompany Carol and me to WalMart!!!!

Catch you on the flip flop...


1 comment:

  1. Johnna you look like you have been drinking in those pictures. You should get an invitation. After all, you are Pontiac royalty.
