Friday, August 23, 2019


Before we came on our trip CTM did some research and was convinced that his ancestors came from Wales.  That being said, on Wednesday, we loaded up and headed toward Cardiff, a port city in southern Wales.  We made a stop at what I would call a rest area along the way.  However, I must say it was the fanciest most elaborate rest area I have ever seen!  It actually had a market complete with a butcher shop 😳

After grabbing some snacks and coffee we were soon back on the carriageway heading to Cardiff.  Little did we know that “heading to Cardiff” was only a ruse concocted by the Deerings.  Before reaching Cardiff they said they needed to make a quick stop in Newport.  Little did we know that they were taking us to Tredegar House, home to the Morgan family in Wales for over 500 years!!  The Morgan family in Wales was one of the most powerful and influential families in the area.  Holy Moly...I am married to Lord Morgan of Pontiac!  

Lord Morgan at Tredegar House...

A little history of The Morgan family... (The left side is in Welsh and the right side is obviously in English.) 

There was mention at some point that the Morgan men seemed to always “marry well!”  I wanted to say, “WELL DUH!” :) A few more pics of the interior...

When is Charlie coming to visit us in Pontiac? 

Hey, Lord Morgan, I want my bathroom to look like this in my next house...

And how about a fireplace like this?

A pic of a very very very very very distant cousin who was a bit of an eccentric scoundrel...

Larry, you are going to have to build a bigger stable if you are going to keep up with the Morgans 😎

Where do we go to claim our interest in this property?  

Cousin Godfrey Morgan, 1st Vicount Tredegar buried his beloved horse, Sir Briggs, in the courtyard outside of the house...

I think Lord Morgan of Pontiac is going to need to step up a bit and do a little work on our pet cemetery over the hill from our house if we are going to keep up with his cousins! 

Catch you on the flip flop...



  1. He looks very natural standing in the great room. Almost as if he was home.

  2. When you made it to the next pub did the three of you enter in solemn procession ahead of Lord Morgan?
