Friday, May 11, 2012


After packing, shopping, stashing, stowing, washing, waxing, servicing, watching the wind.....get my drift.....we decided Thursday was the best day for crossing the Gulfstream. We started our day around 4:00 a.m. and finished loading the last little bit of EVERYTHING WE OWN :) The sunrise was picture perfect....

From 2012-05-11

So...around 6:30 we finally cleared the piers and were on our way! Before we even made the first bend CTM looked at me and asked, "You did get the cash out of the glove compartment, didn't you?" WHAT?????????? First of all HE was in charge of all of the cash and HE was the one that put it in the glove compartment and HE was now trying to point fingers at me!!! Well, to make a long story short....after a lot of finger pointing and ALMOST getting out of our canal we had to turn around and head back :( with our cash on board WE WERE OFF FINALLY!!!!!

There were thunderstorms on the horizon and in the area and the wind was not dead calm but out of the southwest. Once we actually got out into the Gulfstream it was a dream crossing :) CTM swerved a time or two to check out a couple of weed lines. We have had this discussion many times....NO, YOU CAN'T FISH ON THE WAY OVER AND TAKE A CHANCE OF GETTING EXPORTED FROM THE BAHAMAS BEFORE WE EVEN GET STARTED ON OUR CRUISE! The Bahamians have a can't fish on the way in! You HAVE to clear customs and get a fishing license or the penalties can be very stiff. CTM, IS IT REALLY WORTH IT?????? About 30 miles from Bimini we decided to shut down so I could go below and make lunch. Mind was only 10:00 but since we had been up since 4:00 it felt like noon. Besides all of that I was ready to drink a beer and drinking on an empty stomach is NEVER a good idea :) So....down I went. Well, when I emerged from the salon with sandwiches in hand guess what....CTM WAS TROLLING!!!!!!! CTM used the argument that our fuel economy was SO MUCH BETTER trolling than running 25 knots. CTM also said we would throw back anything we caught...RIGHT!!!! If we catch a great big old juicy dolphin (mahi mahi) you are going to throw it back???? Suddenly all of the options began racing through my bulb on.....we could clean it before we get there and stash it down below before clearing customs.... After all I think the Bahamians could be stretching it a bit to think 30 miles from Bimini would be in their jurisdiction :) O.K.....LET'S FISH!!!!! It was delightful! Following seas, full belly, beer in hand, bright sunshiney day, feet propped up....doesn't get any better than this I was thinking :) About the time I made the comment to CTM, "I really don't see that this aimless trolling is very productive" I heard that click click click that suddenly became a whirrrrr!!!!!! Holy crap!!!! FISH ON!!!!! I will let CTM embellish on the experience but all I want to say is it was like a Chinese fire drill with lots of screaming and yelling. Here is proof....the biggest sailfish we have every had on the FF III!!!! Dan Wade, this one's for you....

From 2012-05-11

From 2012-05-11

From 2012-05-11

WHAT MAKES A PERFECT CROSSING????? A CATCH AND RELEASE BILLFISH!!!! We reeled up and headed on in to clear customs and celebrate with a cold Kalik :)

Heading out fishing today with Freddie, our favorite fishing guide in all the Bahamas:) Catch you on the flip flop......


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