Wednesday, April 24, 2013


I was just looking at the temps at home this morning so I will know if I need to wear jeans, socks, and shoes, or shorts and flip flops on the flight home.  Here is my observation..... .  The latitude of Pontiac is 36 degrees and it is 36 degrees this morning :(  The latitude of Bimini is 25 degrees and it is 76 degrees this morning :)  an 11 degree change in latitude means a 40 degree change in temp!  I  guess it will be jeans, socks, and shoes.  I would gladly wear a snow suit on the plane if it meant getting to see Lola, Finn Henry, and Ossie  Oh and I guess I need to include Jabet, Matt, Caldwell, and Kate :)

Just been hanging out the last couple of days as the wind has been blowing.  Tuesday we biked up to Stuarts AGAIN for conch salad and lobster salad.  A sidenote....we have shared many many conch salads at Stuarts with our cruising partners John and Lori of the sailing vessel Nanita.  They are not with us this year so this ones for you, John & Lori!!!!

We muddled our way over to South Bimini and to Mackey's Sand Bar for Happy Hour before the Jim Morris concert on Tuesday evening..... Obviously their Happy Hour is a well kept secret :)

The concert was outside at the Square Grouper and the wind was blowing about 30 knots :(  Obviously John Patti had more hair gel on that I did :)  (This one's for you, LHP!!!) 

 Catch you on the flip flop.....



  1. Stay will hear conch salad, cracked conch, and conch fritters a lot more before it is over! Oh....I forgot conch chowder!!!! :)
