Tuesday, September 13, 2022


In 2014 we were out fishing and came upon this…an obvious migrant vessel. 

We reported it to the Coast Guard and spent the next couple of hours twiddling our thumbs until the Coast Guard showed up, thanked us, and told us we could go. 

So 8 years later (yesterday) we were out fishing and came across this…another obvious migrant vessel.

Do we report it?  Do we risk being tied up for a few hours twiddling our thumbs until they show up or do we just troll around it a few times and see if it is holding fish and pretend we NEVER saw it?  I was leaning toward, “Let’s just troll around it and pretend we NEVER saw it.”  Naturally CTM took the moral high ground and thought we should report it to the Coast Guard.  It started out the same way.  “Captain, can you please take photos and text to us?  Captain, can you please stand by? Captain, what is the name of your vessel?”   Captain this and Captain that…thumb twiddling beginning to start.  “Captain, thank you for the information.  We will be in touch if we need anything else.”  WHAT?????  We were off the hook this quick?  We both got what we wanted.  CTM had taken the moral high ground, we trolled around it, caught nothing (Karma?) and got the heck out of there!  

Catch you on the flip flop…


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