Thursday, May 23, 2013


We arrived at Great Harbour Marina on Wednesday, got situated, and gave the boat a good soaping since she was COVERED with salt water.   This marina was the one a few years ago we showed up on Monday of Memorial Day weekend and there was nobody to be found.  And....back then you had to "walk down by the vacant building and sit in the chair by the abandoned phone booth" to get the internet.  This time we were pleasantly surprised to find the best internet we have had sitting right on the boat AND several boats in the marina and dock hands that wouldn't let me carry ice and were always there to greet you when coming in :)  Their customer service was GREAT!  (Jabet, take note :) )   We headed out fishing fairly early on Thursday.  The advice by the dockmaster was to "go around by the cruise ships and troll the edge."   Obviously it was the cruiser's "beach day" as once we rounded the corner we could see two ginormous cruise ships with tenders running to and from the ships....

We took the advice of the dockmaster and trolled the edge on past the ships and even went deeper a few times.  We did manage to catch a skinny little Mr. Barry Cuda but otherwise NOTHING!  When we were getting close to reeling up we spotted a school of dolphin....Flipper not Mahi.....and this Frigate bird circling....

Still NOTHING!!!!  Oh well...the beer was cold and the seas were calm so it was a GOOD DAY!!!!  Catch you on the flip flop.....


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