We received some bad news yesterday morning from our cruising partners John and Lori. They are anchored about 3 miles north of where we are. The wind came up during the night on Monday, their dinghy broke loose, and disappeared at some point! Not knowing whether it would be nearby or had drifted out to sea they began the search at first light. They found it :) but unfortunately it had sunk :( With the help of three other cruisers anchored nearby they waited until low tide and were able to retrieve it. Around noonish John reported that it was hanging on the back of Nanita :) Unfortunately it is totally deflated and the engine is full of salt water so now the repairs will begin. As of last evening our tentative plan is to head to Staniel Cay alongside them to insure their safe arrival since they no longer have a life boat. We will be in search of a mechanic for them there. We are standing by on the VHF waiting to hear from them this a.m. It is very windy so it will probably be a bumpy ride but the forecast doesn't look to improve much over the next few days so it is six of one or half dozen of the other!
Now for the second dinghy report.....CTM and I put our dinghy in the water with the thoughts we might head up toward John and Lori and see if we could lend a hand. Again, the wind was so strong yesterday we didn't venture too far and it became obvious very soon that we could not travel 3 miles to their location but were able to air out and run the dinghy for the first time :) It is so beautiful here!
CTM kept singing the Allen Ross song, "It's Just A Little Dinghy And It's All Mine." I wasn't sure if he was talking about the dinghy or me. When we cruise I have two sizes of shorts....the "fat" ones and the "REALLY fat" ones. Due to all of the cracked conch I have eaten I am already in the REALLY fat ones so "Little Dinghy" must have meant the boat!!!!! Oh, did I mention there is NO restaurant here???? Only nine residences on the entire island and the marina....THAT'S IT!!! So...we did have a realtively healthy fresh blackened mahi dinner on the boat last evening thanks to Loopers and Kinscherffs....delish!
Catch you on the flip flop!
GP -says only 18 cases of beer??? What did you do the rest of the time :)!!