Saturday, September 12, 2009


This is UNBELIEVABLE!!!! When we arrived on Wednesday we had NO a/c in the condo! Yikes! When you are WELL over 50 no a/c just doesn't work. I called as soon as we got here (like 6p.m. ish) and low and behold someone answered and said they would be out first thing the next day. O.K....that worked for me. I had to spend only one night under the ceiling fan with the door open, which in Keys heat doesn't really help too much. Thankfully there was a decent breeze. Anyway, less than 24 hours and$221 later we were back in business....PHEW! we spent the rest of that day waxing the boat in the boat yard and got it finally put in the water late on Thursday. Well, when we got it in the water guess what.....the a/c in the master stateroom DID NOT WORK! How can this be??? It must be some kind of conspiracy I am thinking! We determined that for some reason the water was not circulating through it and cooling it off so it kept shutting down. To make a long story short...two hours of tinkering with it it is now up and running. PHEW AGAIN! I maintain something crawled up in that drainage hole and built a nest while it was in the boat yard and CTM says it could have just been an air vapor lock in the line. Either way we now have a/c in the boat again and CTM saved us a $221 (or probably more) service call! You know that BOAT saying...Break Out Another Thousand.....

Gone fishin' in my NOW air conditioned Feeding Frenzy III!


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